Rational and efficient management of all production lines is essential to ensure product quality, prevent emergencies and unforeseen incidents, limit company costs, and increase productivity. The complete management of production lines and warehouses can be entrusted to a fully customized WMS (Warehouse Management System) software to meet all processing needs.

For example, the system is capable of managing all product codes, expiration dates and quality control, as well as constant temperature monitoring to ensure a cold chain. Computerized MES (Manufacturing Execution System) systems, on the other hand, support company management to control and monitor production, for example, regarding the status of their orders, work in progress, important production data provided by machines, and so on. MES solutions allow companies to optimize productivity and resource efficiency, thereby reducing losses.

Collecting production data allows you to identify any errors or deviations from the goals set by the company in terms of quality, hygiene, product characteristics, reducing these negative consequences and improving the production process. In logistics, it provides inventory planning, product consumption, and plant functionality, as well as detailed reporting that can be provided to business partners as needed.

Computerized systems make it easier for confectionery companies to verify supplier compliance and track products. Even environmental sustainability brings benefits, as accurate reports allow for real-time insight into the impact of various production processes on water, gas, electricity, and heat consumption, as well as the ability to make the necessary adjustments to the equipment used.